Jorge Tamarit Degenhardt appointed Eurofighter CEO
Jorge was selected by the shareholders of the Eurofighter consortium and leads the Company as a member of the Board of Management.
The Eurofighter Typhoon consortium is built on the strength of 4 European nations: UK; Germany; Italy and Spain, and their leading aerospace and defence companies: Airbus; BAE Systems and Leonardo. This unrivalled partnership allows equal access to shared manufacturing, development and the creation of long-lasting political and industrial relations. A genuine European collaboration.
2.0 Mach
180 KN
55000 Ft
15.96 M
10.95 M
Constant capability development enables customers and partner nations to keep up with evolving threats and challenges. As innovation and future skills are a key driver in the ongoing development, the Eurofighter Typhoon is predestined to become a bridge for the next generation combat air system.
Jorge was selected by the shareholders of the Eurofighter consortium and leads the Company as a member of the Board of Management.
The leaders of Eurofighter and NETMA (the NATO Eurofighter and Tornado Management Agency) today signed the contract for up to 24 Italian Air Force Eurofighters in Rome.
The future production of the Eurofighter Typhoon jet has taken a significant step forward this week with the signing of the contract for Part 1 of the Long Term Evolution (LTE) Technology Maturation Phase (TMP).